Sunday, June 17, 2018

Father's day Ride, then tire repair

Went out for a quick ride this morning after video church.   Left home around 11am.   Surprisingly,  my tire gauge wasn't working (or couldn't register a PSI).  Anyways filled the tire up to 42 psi and left for a quick ride.

My rear tire has a slow leak around the bead,  and has had for the last couple tires.  This tire is new with less than a couple thousand of km on it.  It typically looses about 5 psi a week.

Anyways the ride was good,  and I decided to investigate the tire issue further...   No real need, as this was what was staring me in the face

I've had success with tire plugs in the past,  and while there is debate on the interwebs,  I'm going with this method of repair for now.