Tuesday, December 17, 2019

ipv6, rogers, dd-wrt

Found this post by flyzipper on a dd-wrt forum.... so far working for me....

Let us know who your ISP is; it's possible somebody else in the community uses them and has successfully enabled IPv6.

I've got a working IPv6 connection via Rogers in Canada.

- DHCPv6 with PRefix Delegation
- prefix length (64)
- Static DNS 1 (2606:4700:4700::1111)
- Static DNS 2 (2606:4700:4700::1001)
- MTU (1452)
- Dhcp6c custom (disable)
- Dhcp6s (disable)
- Radvd (enable)
- Radvd custom (disable)

In the mean time, keep an eye on the top right corner of the DD-WRT web UI as you're testing configurations. Does it ever show an IPv6 address there? It's possible the router is negotiating a connection, but connected devices aren't. Observing this sort of detail would point you in one direction or another.

found this on dns servers

Primary IPv6 DNS:

Secondary IPv6 DNS:

Thursday, December 05, 2019

She's alive!

The Miata's alive!

It had really old gas in it, lots of rust in the tank and a bad fuel pump and a glitchy fuel pump relay....

 Fuel tank with a lot of rust flakes on the bottom
Dead fuel pump and more rust.

That is not the color fuel is supposed to be

Orientation shot of fuel strainer so I know how to put the new one back in.

Rust sediment siphoned out of the tank.